Saturday, September 6, 2014

Making God's standards our Standards.

There seems to be a lot of discrepancy between the standards, or commandments, which God has given to us (such as those laid out in the For the Strength of Youth  pamphlet) and the varying opinions of how to abide by these standards.  I would like to share 3 pieces of information, which I believe will help us find balance in creating righteous standards for our lives.

1-We will not be commanded in all things- therefore, we ought to be prayerful in our decision making.

I Know that God creates standards for us so that we can be happier, learn more from Him and return to Him after completing our life here on earth. I also know that God does not expect us to be commanded in all things.   If we are continually pondering and praying for God's guidance in our lives, we will be inspired as to how to adapt our lives to better suit our individual purpose on this earth, and to enable us to be more fully in tune with the teachings of the Lord.

2- Some righteous standards will not be popular- obey them anyway!

Our latter day prophets have often quoted a scripture, found in 1 peter 2:9, when describing the characteristics of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints (Mormon's)  which says "Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. "
The term I would like to identify, from this scripture passage, is "peculiar" . The Lord wants us to be a peculiar people! He does not want us to follow the trends of the world. He wants us to do what is right, no matter what anyone around us is doing, even if that means that we stand alone in what we do. 

3-Blessings will ALWAYS come to those who are living righteous standards.

What are the blessings of living God's standards? When we are living God's standards we are literally protected from an evil influence that is often unseen to us. We are also given knowledge and understanding which help us to better fulfill our purpose in this life. By living God's standards we are also blessed with a greater measure of peace and joy in this life that is not obtainable in any other way.

God wants us to be happy, He wants us to learn from Him and He wants us to return to Him.  As we live the standards He has set before us, these will be our promised blessings.

I share this with you- as my conviction and my belief

additional video:

Dare To Stand Alone -President Monson