Monday, May 15, 2017

10 Truth's about Mothers! (A Mother's Day Tribute).

It's almost midnight and I'm still trying to figure out what to write. Nothing seems to feel right. But I won't sleep until I find something to share. So, I'm going to be really authentic and maybe a little boring. I'm going to share a cut and dry message straight from the Heart.

I can think of more mothers than I can count on my 10 fingers who have been a shining example to me of what motherhood really means. I can think of countless people whom I'd like to call and wish a happy mother's day. But, here I am, haven't called you, because...well... I just didn't know where to start. It's a totally lame excuse, I know. So here I am writing instead. Up in the wee hours of the night...about to give myself a rough night's sleep...since, for me, the later it is when I hit that pillow...the harder it is for me to actually fall asleep.

But, I want you mothers to know just how much you mean to me. And I want you who are wondering if motherhood really makes a difference or if anyone really gives a darn about the roles mothers play, to know how I feel. I've thought a lot about motherhood. As a mother myself, I may still be in my infancy, but with 4 kids behind my back and a lot of thought and prayer on the subject, here is what I do know:

1-You do not have to actually bear children to be a mother.  Some of the most far-impacting mothers have never had a single child of their own...technically speaking.

2-Just because you bear children doesn't necessarily mean you're a mother, though law and society would say otherwise.

3-Motherhood is not a title, its not a job, it's a way of life.

4- Motherhood at it's finest, takes a great deal more than any 1 mother can offer. It takes fathers, brothers, sisters neighbors and neighborhoods, communities and government leaders, and I don't want to forget, the ministering of Angels, working together to accomplish the divine errand of each mother.

5-There is nothing more difficult than the Job of a mother.

6-There is nothing more rewarding than being a mother.

7-Mothers Are NOT perfect nor do they have to be nor will they be in this life. Mothers are far from perfect. It's only their willingness to accept the call, with all of its difficulties, that enables them to carry the mantle of motherhood and the divine help that accompanies such.

8-Mothers are spiritual beings.

9- Mothers have a great capacity to love. As they strive to do their best to love and nurture, their capacity to love is enhanced by enabling powers beyond their own.

10-Motherhood is important, perhaps the most important calling a being could have on this earth.

Happy mothers day!

Thank you to all the mothers around the world who have given their life...or rather, made their life through that of being a Mother!



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